
Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Made It

I'm joining the Monday Made It link up at 4th Grade Frolics today.  While all my ideas are borrowed from blogs and Pinterest...
I'm still really happy that I am making them into realities!  And it is only July 21st!

     The frame for my students to hold while I take their first day photos.  I had this black plastic frame 
            on hand because it had fallen of a wall and the glass had broken.  I also purchased the letters on 
            clearance at Hobby Lobby years ago intending to use them in my classroom.  Well... I finally am.

      Pails for sharp and dull pencils.  The buckets and stickers are all from the Dollar Spot at Target.
            My classroom is going to be a little bit beach this year.  

                     Paper plates with colored dots for subitizing practice.


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