
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Little Science

I have always wanted to have a science center located near a window AND with room for a fish. Drum Roll Please.... Here it is...

The kids had already grown beans (and studied plants) in the fall with the previous teacher.  I was a little bummed.  My blog is named Growing in PreK and K because I LOVE to do all the plant stuff... so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try a rooting a sweet potato in the science center.  No real roots yet.  I'll keep you posted.  Beta (original huh?) is doing just fine. He actually swims around a lot more than I expected from a beta fish.  He likes to hide under his bridge sometimes (wonder why?...)

The rest of the items are my go to PreK items:  discovery bottles, winter science books, items to look through, and some found nature items.  I look forward to adding more as my students learn how to handle these materials.

Our science lesson last week covered three types of clouds.  I wanted to make it more hands-on, so I had the children "make" the cloud types out of cotton balls, write "clouds," and add labels.

Hope you're having a good week!


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