
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thirteen in '13 Linky Party

Today I am joining the Thirteen in '13 Linky Party.

2013 has been a year full of transitions for me. My husband's transfer meant leaving the town I had lived in since high school, one of my adult sons, a Pre-K teaching job I loved, a house I considered perfect, and many wonderful friends.  We moved one day after dropping our youngest child off in her college dorm on my fiftieth birthday!! 

I made a conscious decision to "bloom where I was planted."  So, four months later our home feels homey, my kids all managed to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and in January,  I will be teaching kindergarten at a school I have been subbing at.   God is good!

For some reason, this also seemed like a good year to change my blog to  I had added a blog to my original site,, but got tired of the very old technology on that site.  So, I plan to leave the old site up indefinitely, but anything new is posted to

Now, I am going to attempt to fit my 2013 into these topics...

13. Favorite article of clothing:

I treated myself to this black coat a few weeks ago.  Funny- it's longer on me than it is on the model.   It is cold here a lot more than it was in Houston, so I deserve it :).

12. Favorite movie you watched:
I watched Despicable Me 2 on dvd with my family last night -  fun!

11. Favorite TV series:
Downton Abbey

10. Favorite restaurant:
Gloria's (Mexican)

9. Favorite new thing you tried:

Recovering a chair seat - I also painted this thrift store find with chalk paint, but I had done that before.

8. Favorite gift you got:
Santa brought me a Nikon camera.  As much as I love taking pictures, I have never had a "real" camera.  I am looking forward to learning how to use it!

7. Favorite thing you pinned:
How do you choose just one?!

This is the next thing I plan to make for my classroom:

This is one of my favorite pins for home:

I want to create a gallery like this on our stairs wall!

6. Favorite blog post:
While I continued to organize it, I didn't actually participate in GrowinginPreK's Gingerbread Man Exchange this year (since I didn't have my own class....).  Several great teachers sent me photos to use on the blog:


I loved seeing what they did with the Exchange in their classrooms.

5. Best accomplishment:

Presenting a session on read aloud activities at the Houston Area Association of Early Childhood Educators.  (Once upon a time I was deathly afraid of public speaking.)

4. Favorite picture:  My kids in our Christmas card photo

3. Favorite memory:
My mom's eightieth birthday party - so many special people in one room at the same time

2. Goal for 2014:
To make a great transition from teaching Pre-K to teaching kindergarten.

1. One Little Word:


Happy New Year!


  1. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing. I just got linked up. Drop by when you get a chance!

    Happy New Year!
    Many Blessings from
    at The Teacher's Chatterbox

  2. Yeah for getting a new job, how exciting for you! You will be great.
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  3. Love your post! You sure have a beautiful bunch of kids! :) Blessings to you in 2014! :)
